Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth †A butcher, a savage slaughterer Essay

A butcher, a savage slaughterer who is usually thpought to have no feelings of guilt or remorse. This is used Malcolm’s description of Macbeth. At some points in the play â€Å"MACBETH† there are many visible examples that this definition could be applied to Macbeth. However at other points in the play, Shakespeare shows the audience how much guilt and regret Macbeth has, we are even shown some self hatred from our once proud warrior. Malcolm, the son of Duncan, the dead king, describes Macbeth as â€Å"this dead butcher†. There are many arguements for and against this point, but I would hold the opinion that Macbeth is not a dead butcher, but he was infact trying to do the best for his country. It would not seem like this all through out the play though. When Macbeth confronts the witches at the beginning of the play, he is thought of as a good noble man, â€Å"O, valaint cousin ! worthy gentleman !† The language used here to represent Macbeth is full, proud language. All the words indicate that this is a man of truth and honour. Here at the beginnning of the play he is introduced to the witches. If used as an example against Malcolm’s description, it can be taken that the actions performed by Macbeth through the play was not of his own free will but of witchcraft that has been placed on him. Later in the play we find evidence that his mind is being tampered with, â€Å"Shall draw him onto his confusion;†. Infact not all the blame can be placed upon Macbeths head alone, his dear wife Lady Macbeth was a strong influence in the descision to kill Duncan. This was however the first and only murder she assisted in, the murder of the other characters was devised by only Macbeth. Even as Lady Macbeth asked the devil to take her guilt away, â€Å"Stop up the passage and access to remorse;†, she ponders her own descision. Just before the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth changes her mind and tries to prevent Macbeth from commiting the murder, but even his own arguement cannot sway the passage of events which he will take place in. On the otherhand Malcolm does have a reason to insult the dead Macbeth. He has not heard the same things as the audience and therefore does not know the personal hell Macbeth was going through at the end of the play, â€Å"I am sick at heart,†. The evidence Malcolm has to support his view is overwelming but not complete. The main reasons Malcolm holds are the death of many people including his father, the quick decline of Scotland and the fact that Malolm originally fled from Scotland because he was under blame for the death of the King. It is quite clear that Malcolm is full of hatred for Macbeth, â€Å"This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tounges,†. The language Shakespeare uses now is of quite a different nature, all the words are powerful words and descriptions of hated, trechary and evil. Malcolms reasons for revenge were quite justified, his family had been killed and Macbeth had stolen the place on the throne, which Malcolm had once thought he deserved. The first murder commited was the murder of Duncan, which some say was also the murder of Macbeth because of the dreams and voices he heard while commiting the crime. As Macbeth walked to Duncans sleeping room he sees the dagger he is going to use infront of his eyes floating in the air, â€Å"Is this a dagger I see before me,†. After the murder he starts to shows signs of such guilt and also a little maddness â€Å"Wake Duncan with the knocking. I would thou couldst.† When talking to his wife he tells her that he heard a voice after the murder telling him that he would not sleep anymore, this becomes true, maybe not because of the voice but because of Macbeths self torment. Just before the murder Macbeth, in his room weighs the arguements to kill or not kill Duncan. The strongest of these arguements is that he really has no reason to kill him, The witches correctly predicted the death of the Thane of Cawdor which came about with no intervention of Macbeth, so maybe the same could be true about becoming king. Macbeth ignores this and thinks that the only way for him to be king, if the witches were infact telling the truth, was to get rid of all the obsictales in his way. His second and third murders took place at the same time. In the morning of Duncans murder Macduff found the body, the two guards ouside the room had taken the blame, because of Lady Macbeth placing the knife on them. Macbeth seemed to have no guilt about these brutle murders and placing the blame on two innocent men. When Macduff tells of the murder Macbeth rushes and kills the guards â€Å"That I did kill them.† The fact that he kills them, and seems to have no problems with placing the blame on others is probably one of the strong points for Malcolm outburst. His next murder is more carefully planned. Instead of a sudden outburst of anger he hires two murders to do the job for him. Here his signs of paranoia are showing because he also sends another murder to make sure everything goes to plan. This murder is more brutle most likely than the other murders, although he does not take part in it him self. He sends the murderers to kill his best friend and his son, Banquo and Fleance. When the murders report to Macbeth how their job went he says some cruel things about his dead friend,†Ã¢â‚¬ËœT is better thee without, than he within.†. Here he is saying that ir is better for the blood to be on the murders hands than inside of Banquo, a brutle image that could be used by Shakespeare to sway the views of the audience since no other person hears this. This conversation between the murderer and Macbeth takes place at his castle just after Macbeths corination. The banquet however is in honour of Banquo, in accordance with Macbeth. Even though it is thought bad to speak ill of the dead, Macbeth insults Banquo for not turning up to his banquet, and is thought of as rude. Until Macbeth goes to sit down he does not seem bothered about the death. Now the following incident could be an image of his mind, just like the floating knife, or it could be an act by the witches. As Macbeth tries to sit at the table he sees Banquo’s ghost in his chair. Nobody else sees it but Macbeth is clearly annoyed at Banquo. He claims that it is not his fault, â€Å"Thou canst not say, I did it;† His only other more important murder after this before the final scene is the murder of Macduffs family. When Macduffs flees to England Macbeth again thinks the only solution is violence and he sends part of his army to kill all those who are more close to Macduff â€Å"His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in this line.† Now with Macbeth and Macduff being friends, they have more than linkely visited eachothers castle before. So Macbeth has probably met, spoke and befriended Lady Macduff, but still he is able to just give an order for them to have their throats cut. Through these murders we find a lot of evidence to back up Malcolm, and draw our own conclusions that Macbeth does indeed have very little guilt. However, the personal torment he is being put through is not made known. At the beginning of the play we are aware that Macbeth and his wife have a very good relationship together, â€Å"My dearest love,†, they even killed Duncan together. But towards the end their marridge seems to break down, we see how Lady Macbeth becomes ill and haunted by images of the murder, when he hears that she is dead and has taken her own life, all he can say is â€Å"She should have died hereafter;† that is all he says on her death. This may seem cold but we now know of his depression, and you cannot help but feel sorrow for his failed marridge. So my views on Macbeth being a dead butcher was that he wasnt one at all. He could have been under the power of evil forces, and towords the end he was haunted by guilt. Once he started on the road he couldnt turn back. I doubt that it was all Macbeths fault, he did think he was doing the correct thing but he didnt know the effects it would have on others and infact his country.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American Reconstruction: a Revolution or a Failure?

American Reconstruction: A Revolution or a Failure? Historians Eric Foner and C. Vann Woodward, provide a Tyson Vs Ali fight in the debate over whether the American Reconstruction period was in fact a revolution or a failure. Each provides an in-depth analysis supporting his argument. Foner takes the approach that the Reconstruction was a Revolution, explaining, that â€Å"Reconstruction allowed scope for a remarkable political and social mobilization of black, community, opening doors of opportunity that could never again be completely closed. Woodward takes a much more pessimistic approach arguing, â€Å"The other (failure) is the ruins of Reconstruction, the North’s failure to solve the problem of the black peoples place in American life. â€Å" Foner’s argument is based on the immediate political and civil rights that the freedmen were given after the emancipation through the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, and how the mindset of the south was altered forever. N ew adjustments such as the Homestead Act of 1862 and many other social and political changes were grounds to label the Reconstruction Era a revolution.Foner believed although nearly every authority and right that the freedmen were given were eventually taken back after the Reconstruction finally ended in 1867, the mindset and the drastic changes that took place would stay with America throughout its history, and therefore was revolutionary. Woodward’s pessimistic response to America’s optimistic take on the Reconstruction being revolutionary was based on the idea that in the long run what actually was accomplished was not very influential.With the exception of the amendments that were established after the Civil War, the hope of the freedmen sharing equality with the whites was taken away after the Reconstruction, and therefore was a total failure. The South’s resistance against the freedmen gaining any sort of political or social power was stronger than the wil l of the North to help bring equality to the South and according to Woodward, denies Reconstruction being a failure because they were to headstrong to admit defeat. When looking back at the Reconstruction and asking whether or not it was evolutionary, one must consider the affect it had on the country once the period ended. The answer is, the Reconstruction had had little to no influence on society once it had come to a halt after the election of President Hayes in 1867, and therefore cannot be considered a revolution. When talking about a revolution, what is being considered is a drastic change in culture, politics, and social structure, and the Reconstruction does meet those requirements. Looking into what occurred during the Reconstruction, the only true accomplishments that won out were those that came from the resistance of the South.When Foner makes his attempt to sway the reader’s minds into following his argument that the Reconstruction was revolutionary, he fails to point out any substantial examples of the freedmen overcoming the resistance of the South without the help of the government. For example the Homestead Act of 1862 was enforced by the government to make available land to freedmen which belonged to former land owners, (many of which were former slave owners) however when the Homestead Act was put in place, only one-tenth of the land was distributed to new land owners.Other examples such as sharecropping were also non-substantial as it triggered a new labor system which consisted of land owners advertising work to immigrants and hiring them to work for low wages and rations of bacon and cornmeal, which was a similar the experiments in the West Indies with the â€Å"coolies. â€Å" How is forcing the freedmen and their families on the streets and living in poverty in anyway revolutionary? It was only until the government stepped in and put and end of what Foner called a, â€Å"New modification of the slave trade† that the free dmen even had an opportunity to work for wages on plantations.One can argue that this was a change in how the labor system worked, but can something so minute be considered revolutionary? Once the government refuted one attempt at resistance from the South, another emerged. In 1865 the Black Codes were established in all different states throughout the South. These codes limited what the black man was able to do for a living and gave no opportunity to own land, making the situation for freedmen similar to what it was before the emancipation.Other forms of resistance, such as the radical group Ku Klux Clan brought terror and destruction to the South. Radical Reconstruction groups did not match the will of the resistance and therefore Reconstruction did little good for the former slaves. Every attempt to make the former slaves equals to whites was not accomplished because the Resistance in the South would not allow it. Woodward says, â€Å"The failure of Reconstruction is to be expla ined by the lack of revolutionary measures. If the attempt of Reconstruction was more radical, there could possibly be an argument that it was revolutionary, but the truth is the counter-revolution was stronger than the actual revolution. People were scared for their lives, terror and anger filled the streets, and the South was not a safe environment for the freedmen and their families. In conclusion, the only real gain that the freedmen received during the Reconstruction were the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments that were added to the Constitution following the end of the Civil War.All other gains were taken back with the election of President Haynes in 1867, after he made a deal to end Reconstruction in the South if elected president. Now compare what was accomplished to the other revolutions in History, the American Revolution, which separated the United States from British authorities and the French Revolution, where the people physically overthrew their government and established a democracy. Those were drastic shifts in society that defined what a revolution is.The idea that Reconstructions was a revolution would be the side that says the government establishing three laws was a revolution. This is a very weak argument, especially when the amendments that were passed were not accepted by the majority of the South and therefore not practiced due to the radical’s response of violence and terror. Revolutions are drastic changes that affect the country forever, and the Reconstruction simply did not meet the requirements to even be considered a revolution. Bibliography : 1.Eric Foner, â€Å"The Politics of Freedom in Nothing but Freedom: Emancipation and its Legacy† (Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press) 2. C. Vann Woodward. â€Å"Reconstruction: A Counterfactual Playback† (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1989) John Recchia Prof. Van Gosse U. S History II 9/20/10 ———————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Foner, â€Å"The Politics of Freedom†, 10 [ 2 ]. Foner, â€Å"The Politics of Freedom†, 10-11 [ 3 ]. Woodwars, â€Å"Reconstruction: A Counterfactual Playback†, 29 [ 4 ]. Foner, â€Å"The Politics of Freedom†, 11-12

Monday, July 29, 2019

The level of contamination on the things we use on daily basis Essay

The level of contamination on the things we use on daily basis - Essay Example At the age of 12 Conrad had lost both his parents to tuberculosis. Conrad father was a translator while he was still alive and thus exposing Conrad to a wide range of literature from many nations, which were in English, French, Spanish, and American. Despite a tragic beginning, Conrad could have a good introduction to rich literary atmosphere. After his parents demise he was to stay under the care of his maternal uncle, Tadeusz Bobrowski. His uncle introduced him to a new chapter in life, which was contrary to what he learned from his father. He was fed with notions of conservatism and strict social discipline. The different ways of life that he had when he was young made Him realize that he was a homo duplex. He was torn between chivalric and egalitarian, revolutionary and conservative, and pragmatic and romantic tradition (Watt, 14). At the age of 14 onwards, Conrad disliked the Christian religion, ceremonies, festivals, and its doctrines. This was the best decision that he made, b ut it was contrary to his family beliefs. At the age of 17, Conrad left Poland to become a sea man and at some point attempted to commit suicide because of problems he experienced at the sea. His career to literature came to be when he was 40 with his first novel The Nigger of the Narcissus, which characterized Conrad’s in-between position as a writer. This was the introduction to prime of Conrad career as a writer. The most famous novel by Joseph Conrad is Heart of Darkness, which he primarily based it on his experience in the Congo. This book is full of paradoxes and has deeply symbolic text (Watt, 37). His main goal was to make a symbolic use of color. Conrad makes constant references of light and dark, black and white. The different characteristics that he gives make the reader to confuse the two states normally associated with the terms. Many instances of moral and physical darkness are topics that Conrad has touched on for example He signifies the corruption of one impo rtant character in the book. In addition, the title of the novel Heart of Darkness brings about a clear picture of the dark and gloomy way of life in the heart of Africa. There is a good connection between the characters used in this book and the events together with the experience that he had in 1890. This novel is a commentary touching upon the tough reality of imperialist control. Symbols are character, objects, figures or color used to show an abstract idea or concept. One symbol used is fog. This symbolizes darkness, and it not only distorts, but it also obscures. Conrad explains that one should make decisions based on the information given and he or she should never try to judge the accuracy of the information (Shmoop, 46). Darkness is also used as a symbol. It is very hard to tell what darkness stands for in this context. However, everything in this book has a dark coating. In addition, the inability to see is also viewed as darkness. Failure to sympathize happens when one fa ils to see another human being and thus having a hard time trying to understand that person Conrad uses Marlow to show that women are the keepers of naive illusions. This role is crucial although it can be seen as condemnatory. Kurtz and his intended mistress function as blank slates, and this brings about the value of wealth of their respective societies. Other symbols include the river, and the white sepulcher. This book is about a story of a European seaman, who sets on a journey to explore the Congo River. His primary role is helping Kurtz, a very prominent ivory trader who was employed by the Belgians. Also a successful writer, Kurtz has a good reputation and Marlow likes him even before their meeting. His writings were concerned with the civilization of the African

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Retailer Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Retailer Relationships - Essay Example Out of all the different brands of retailers in the US, the most influential brand that has affected my life and the life-style of millions around the world is Wal-Mart. This is the main reason why I choose Wal-Mart for this study. Wal-Mart has grown to become the market leader with 4,423 stores and with yearly sales of $307.73 billion, being tripled the total sales figure of the second largest retailer- The Kroger Co (, 2012). Its dynamic management strategies and most importantly the business success have influenced me to become a fan of Wal-Mart in its Facebook page and this has made me choose the company for this study. Customer relationship is an antecedent to the value creation and sharing of consumer-seller interaction (Varey, 2002, p. 1). In recent years, building relationship with customers has become an extremely important marketing strategy to help a firm attract, retain and maintain customers for longer period. Wal-Mart has successfully used several social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter to create stronger relationship with its customers. According to recent reports, Wal-Mart continues to tap social media to create stronger relationship with tech-savvy customers with a view to establish stronger brand equity among its customers. Building customer relationship will certainly help the company maintain long term advantages of customer loyalty, which is basically customers’ commitment to repeated purchase and re-patronization for a preferred goods or service. Konrad (2012) found Wal-Mart as the first topper in social media starts since it has more than 15 million fans on the social network. The company has set specific guidelines for its Facebook and Twitter users, asking its customers to strictly adhere to the social media rules and giving them instructions such as be polite and courteous, stay on topic, keep it real and encouraging customers complaints, feedback and opinions (, 2012). Prior to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

World Economy Since 1945 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

World Economy Since 1945 - Essay Example However, strong popular beliefs regarding the negative effects of this school of economic thoughts have remained. The fall of the global economy since the 2008 financial crisis has led to the development of substantial popular resistance against neo liberalism. The US has made continuing efforts to introduce neoliberal policies on the third world countries, which are in the period of economic transition. It has been successful in achieving this objective and has received the support of the international bodies, such as, the World Bank and the IMF. According to common belief, neo liberalism refers to an up-gradation on the classical liberal economics. This classical liberal economics dominated majority of the UK and the United States before the Great Depression hit the world in the 1930s (Overbeek, 2003). A new approach started to enter the thought of economists since the mid 1930s, after the world faced the perils of liberal economic relations among market agents. This approach was c onsidered interventionist and tended to strengthen by the 1970s, when it was termed as the neo liberal economic thought. Under this new economic theory, it was accepted that, significant state intervention is required in order to retain the strength and shine of capitalist form of production relations. Without state intervention, capitalist mode of production relation cannot be viable (Kotz, 2000). An overview: European Stagnation It has been argued that the euro zone crisis had occurred as a result of â€Å"a toxic neoliberal economic policy cocktail† (Palley, 2013). This cocktail was developed in 1980s when Europe had begun to put emphasis on the model of neoliberal economic theory. By embracing this theory, income generation reduced and demand creation was suppressed. This gave rise to wide income inequality. However, the problem of stagnation did not appear immediately with the changes in economic decagons making in the European countries. A number of initial economic dev elopments during the late 1900s postponed the occurrence of stagnation. Among them, the most important incidence was the creation of the Euro. The common currency of the Euro zone countries led to â€Å"interest rate convergence† (Palley, 2013), which swelled up the asset price and eased credit availability facilities. This brought superficial prosperity in these economies owing to the asset price bubble. But, the fictitious boom in the economy actually worsened the stagnation by delaying it and building up large heaps of debts. These economies had followed a flawed system of monetary policies that caused the debt crisis. The neo liberal economic model thus prompted flawed economic growth pattern in the developed countries that had accepted this model during the 1970s and 1980s (Palley, 2013). Shift from Keynesianism to neo liberalism in Europe Europe was developing during the mid 1900s. However, after the 1945 there has been a major change in the pattern of economic growth o f the countries in Europe. Towards the end of the twentieth century, average buying power of a European consumer increased by three times. The basic factors that stimulated economic growth were cohesive associations between employers and the employees, solidarity-centred trade unions and an overall growth oriented policies of the governments. These institutions were interconnected with one another and worked consistently towards mobilization of savings and stabilizing wages and improve the climate for financial investment (Parker, 2013). However, after 1973 Europe switched from Keynesian economic point of view to the neo liberal economic thought. According to Barry Eichengreen, it resembled a switch from economic developm

My Interactions with the Jesuit values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Interactions with the Jesuit values - Essay Example Also, a compassionate and loving heart if not tempered by the logic and decorum emanating from the heart is but a rudderless ship, incapable of reaching its destination, being most of the time trapped in the morass of indecision and wavering. It is in the divine unity of the mental and emotional faculties that lies the true future of humanity and mankind. The Jesuit model of education actively inculcates the unity of human understanding and emotions. When the human personality is not amply mature and had not attained the ripeness ushered in by continual and persistent contemplation and education, the heart and the mind tend to be in a state a conflict. This is many a times markedly signified by having a strong desire to do something or engage in some activity that innately seems to be inappropriate or wrong. I believe that a preponderance of such instances in human life gives way to ample emotional and mental problems, which if allowed proceeding beyond a certain limit could degenera te into some kind of neurosis. Yet, ironically, I feel that this is the actual dilemma of the modern civilization so open to the winds of materialism and a deluge of information. Many a times in my life I felt that though I had everything that I materially desired and had access to most of the modern freedoms and rights, still there was something lacking within me that restrained me from evolving into a complete person. It is only after learning about, understanding and meditating upon the Jesuit value of the unity of body and mind that I realized that it was possible to pull myself out of this dilemma. I realized that the purpose of human existence and education is to aspire for a holistic development, the kind of evolution where the aspirations of the heart are shaped and molded by the discipline and formality emanating from the mind. This may seem nice to read, but, believe me, achieving such a state of existence is easier said than done, and requires continual practice and dedic ation, not to mention the immense need for prayer and self evaluation. It is only when a person has the good luck to be placed in the circumstances that are imbued with just the right values and ethics that one is able to instinctively realize the unity and harmony existing between the mind and the heart, the body and the soul. However, if, by the grace of God, one turns out to be blessed enough to placed under the tutelage of experts and institutions that encourage the flowering and evolution of the whole person rather than lopsidedly encouraging the segmented faculties of the human personality that one is able to evolve into a complete person in whom the yearnings and aspirations of the heart are propitiously tempered by the wisdom and maturity of the mind, leading to happiness and completeness in most of the spheres of life, are they spiritual, social, academic, economic or domestic. In that context, the Jesuit value of the unity of mind and the heart had a profound impact on var ied facets of my life. It not only helped me to proceed on a journey that promised happiness and grace, but also endowed me with the much required qualities like humility, patience and persistence. It encouraged me to engage with the complexities of the outside world with a deeply felt and morally

Friday, July 26, 2019

Child abuse policies and services Research Paper

Child abuse policies and services - Research Paper Example The rest of this paper will focus on a basic description of child abuse, and specifically take a look at the law that governs it. While the legislation of this issue has improved over the years, further improvements are necessary as some children, such as minority groups and disabled children are still falling through the cracks. Child abuse is generally thought to be either one of or a combination of four different types: physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect or general maltreatment (Cicchetti & Barnett, 1991 from Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). It was reported that in 2000, there were 879 000 victims of child abuse the USA alone (Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). In 2005, this number had risen to 900 000. Shockingly, 40% of victims received no follow up care in 2005 (APA Public Interest Government Relations Office, n.d.). In addition, in 2004, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reported that child abuse is the primary cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 4 years (Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). In fact, approximately 1,530 children die of abuse or neglect each year (Keita, 2008). There are usually several common factors in child abuse and these include that the child is well-known to the abuser, most abusers tend to be men and in about 50% of cases of abuse, the family is receiving assistance from the government. In addition, many cases involve abusers who commonly abuse substances and some common characteristics of abusive parents usually include them being extremely stressed, have little knowledge of child development and few parenting skills (APA Public Interest Government Relations Office, n.d.). The long term effects of child abuse are many and some of the conditions that manifest later in life vary. These may include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, somatic complaints, suicidal tendencies, all of which are internalizing disorders.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What does Tiberius' life and death tell us about Roman society at that Essay

What does Tiberius' life and death tell us about Roman society at that time - Essay Example Tiberius throughout his life fought for one cause; to eliminate the line of discrimination between rich and poor through a revolutionary change in law. Yet, Rich gentry of Rome depicted how ‘influence’ deciphers power and law. The bright Tiberius was educated in ‘Augurs College’, which was embarked as a supreme institution for excellence in academics. Upon inspecting his skills and talent, Appius Claudius offered him his daughter ‘Claudia’ in marriage. Fortitude and determination in armed conflicts was observed in Tiberius, whilst he served in Africa for ‘Young Scipio’s Army’ (Kishlansky et al., 142-146). ‘War against Numantines’ provided an opportunity to Tiberius; to resolve frenzy conflicts in the presence of senior generals. Twenty thousands and more were saved due to his successful dialogues with the victor Numantines. In the times of Tiberius’ rule, literacy was valued most and due to his love for tomes; he went back to the defeated zone and requested only for his literary treasure. He was offered to take back more from his personal possessions, but Tiberius only chose his esteemed collection of books. Humiliating punishments (stripping captors in public) were imposed by victors; as it was a common practice in the past, but Numantines did not practice it for Roman consul officers due to prestigious Tiberius presence. This event setup benchmark in Tiberius’s administration career and he eventually became a legislator. The conquered regions of neighbour-state were allotted to deprived citizens on meagre rents, yet; wealthy Romans drove away the poor and paid huge rents. These illicit actions became the stepping stone for ‘five hundred acre-property ownership law’. Yet, through false-name-ownership act influential people violated law and poor farmers became more deprived and eventually, were not able to pay heed towards education or warfare. Subsequently, Tiberius

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

When should we bring our troops home from Iraq Essay

When should we bring our troops home from Iraq - Essay Example On 19th September 2005, in a joint press conference with then President George Bush, Jalal Talabani, the incumbent and 6th President of Iraq, was quoted saying that, â€Å"We will set no timetable for withdrawal, Mr. President.A timetable will help the terrorists, will encourage them that they could defeat the superpower of the world and the Iraqi people† (GOLIATH, 2005). 6 years, 455 Bn dollars and over 4421 military deaths later (Congressional Research Service, 2010), Mr. Talabani’s words on ‘timetable’ still hold true with the current 50,000 US military boots on the grounds of Iraq. Since its inception, Iraq war has been subjected to debates starting right from the justification of war, official and unofficial causes, foreign and homeland public support, and troops withdrawal. Even though a quasi-withdrawal deadline was set by the status of forces agreement to leave Iraq by 31 December 2011 (Congressional Research Service, 2009), but the realities behind the actual troop withdrawal are still mushy as described by Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates on April 7th 2011 (BBC News, 2011). The issue of troops withdrawal is not just a question of date but is a convoluted situation of geopolitics, business (read oil), foreign and humanitarian policy goals, insurgencies, stabilization and sustainability. It is worthwhile to note or contemplate on whether the troops should return from Iraq today, tomorrow or should have done it yesterday. America & Iraq – Looking back at past 8 years The Republic of Iraq, once a haven to the earliest civilizations (Mesopotamia) in the world, became a troubled shadow of its past with multi-ethnic clashes and violence, barbaric dictatorships, religious intolerances and fanaticism, social and economic divides and a rich reserve of â€Å"black gold†. On 20th March 2003, President Bush declared war against Iraq as American forces attached the middle-east nation from its southern border. Prior to the announcement, US had gathered international support and alliances with UK, Australia, Canada and Netherlands to fight Iraq. Reasons of combat intrusion of US allied forces in this Arab country have been debatable since the war started. The official rationalization of Operation Iraqi Freedom (official name of Iraq war) presented by US to the UN Security Council and by President Bush in his State of Union Address as (1) to destroy Saddam Hussain's (Reigning radical dictator of Iraq) weapons of mass destruction (WMD); (2) to eliminate the threat of international terrorism; and (3) to promote democracy in Iraq and surrounding areas (CNN, 2003). In coming years, these reasons would become the center of fierce debate and a liability for the Bush Administration to defend both to America and the rest of the world. Unofficial reasons why America was dragged into the center stage in Arab world are speculated to be (1) to control the oil reserves of Iraq, Israel-US relations (Perezalonso, 2006 ) and to make an American statement of influence in the Middle east. Whether the war was justified or not, America was in the middle of chaotic and emergency situation. Iraq witnessed Saddam Hussain’s capture in 2003, Evidence of American military personnel’s abuse and torture of prisoners in 2004, First Iraqi election in 2005, Saddam’s execution in 2005, Insurgency in 2007 and Stabilization efforts since 2008. The total cost of war was estimated to be 3 Trillion dollars (Washington Post, 2010). Apart from expected causalities and economic loss, the major consequences of the Iraq war have been (1) Deconstruction of Iraq (2) Possible radical empowerment of in Middle East and (3) US Hegemony at risk (Hinnebusch, 2007). The war was also a major cause of debate in US Elections 2008 and was one of the factors that led to elect of President Barack Obama. Should we bring our troops back home? Since the time, Bush Administration admitted that falsehood of Iraq’s possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) argument (Usborne, 2003), public

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Employment Law and Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employment Law and Policy - Essay Example First, when they went to meet with Ms. Young, they should have waited for the next meeting time as she did not deny addressing their issues. They began their journey to the headquarters. Second, while investigating the matters highlighted by the three nurses, Custer did not observe the similar discontent from the department heads that was portrayed by the three nurses; rather, the department heads supported Ms. Young. Third, the department heads informed about their reservations over the unprofessional conduct and behavior of the three nurses. Fourth, the Ms. Young also complained about the improper and lack of cooperation from the three nurses. Subsequent to that, when Custer asked each person at the meeting for the names of the people he or she thought responsible for the tension at the Heartland facility, a considerable number of counts highlighted the major involvement of the three nurses. More importantly, when in March, the HR Director Custer was announcing his decisions resolv ing the issue; defiance and resistance to change was personally felt by the Director that was largely contributed by the three nurses. In almost every organization, a code of conduct is established and the employees are required to support and follow the requirements of it. Mostly, a number of organizations emphasize its enforcement so that the smooth functioning of the organization must remain active and continue. However, the conduct of the three nurses did not respect the established code of conduct; rather, they went against it.  ... However, the conduct of the three nurses did not respect the established code of conduct; rather, they went against it. And, the subsequent investigation proved and necessitated the employment termination of the three nurses. Impasses, Strikes, and Dispute Resolution The Mackay doctrine permits employers to hire permanent replacement workers for strikers (Hatton, 2011, p. 97). However, the United States also maintains that its laws guarantee the right of association and the right to strike and that the ‘Mackay doctrine’ must not violate the right to strike (Compa & Diamond, 1996, p.35). The inverse seniority step violates the sanctity of the Section 8(a) (1) of the NLRA. This Section maintains that any attempt by the employers shall be deemed as an unfair labor practice that interfere with, coerce or restrain employees in the exercise of their rights to join or assist labor organizations, or not to assist or join labor organizations. The inverse seniority option offered by the Child Care Services Inc. (CCSI) represents a clear act of interfering in the employee rights to assist or perform labor organization related activities and the inverse seniority would bring the replacements first for the most senior members; and, in the very first attempt of replacement, the main union members of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) would be replaced in the case of strike; this action directly breaches the workers’ rights and puts additional pressure on them so that they should avoid exercising their legal rights for obtaining their objectives. On the other hand, Mackay doctrine permits the employers to hire replacement workers in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

A detailed analysis of The Red-Headed League Essay Example for Free

A detailed analysis of The Red-Headed League Essay In 1888, A Study in Scarlet was published, bringing together the infamous duo of Holmes and Watson and in the creation of Holmes, earned Conan Doyle his fortune. Scandal in Bohemia and the following stories of his characters journey into the world of crime solving appeared in The Strand magazine. The 1880s saw a growing market for popular fiction and at a mere sixpence a week, it had anxious people rushing to the stands for literary entertainment, amusement and escapism. The double act of Holmes and Watson is very effective in the short stories by Conan Doyle. Holmes is often described in the short stories with extended imagery, often like creatures and monsters.  His head was sunk upon his breast, and he looked from my point of view like a strange, lank bird, with dull grey plumage and a black top-knot.  This imagery helps to reinforce the idea that his sharp and piercing eyes give the impression that he is very alert. Holmes is also described as having a tall, gaunt figure with slick black hair and hawk-like yet austere facial features. He is portrayed as being a blunt and impatient man. At the beginning of The Red-Headed League after Watsons initial intrusion, he pulls Watson abruptly into the room and he is anxious for Mr. Jabez Wilson to recommence his narrative. Watson, on the contrary, is a polite man. When he walks in on Holmes and Wilson having the conversation, he apologises and starts to withdraw. The choice of Watson as the narrator for these short stories is very effective. From the beginning, it is clear that they are very close friends, and the feeling of this friendship is made tangible in The Final Problem, as Watson mourns the tragic death of Holmes. Another reason Watson is effective as the storyteller, is that compared to Holmes amazing powers of logic and deduction, he seems more like a normal person. He, like the reader, is amazed by Holmes skills, yet he does not understand them. During the denouement of The Red-Headed League, Watson helps the reader understand how Holmes came to his conclusions by asking him the questions that are in the readers mind, such as, But how could you guess what the motive was? and, how could you tell that they would make their attempt to-night? This satisfies the reader and adds realism it helps them accept it is possible. Also, as Watson is left in the dark until the conclusion, it emphasises Holmes ingenuity and powers of deductive reasoning. Throughout The Red-Headed League, there are many clues that enable the mystery to be solved. The idea of the Red-Headed League was so bizarre that there had to be something beyond the obvious evidence. Holmes chuckles after the reading of the advertisement found in the newspaper and concludes that it is a little off the beaten track. The strange factors that surround the hiring of Wilsons assistant, Vincent Spaulding, make the reader (and the characters) quite dubious of his authenticity. Vincent worked at half wages and he had been with Wilson about a month before he showed Wilson the advertisement for The Red-Headed League and recommends strongly that he applies. When Holmes and Watson go to Mr. Wilsons shop to meet the assistant, Holmes notices the knees of his trousers. All of these ideas are evidently significant to solving the mystery, but the significance cannot be seen by anyone else but Holmes. The scene with Holmes, Watson, police agent Mr. Jones (of Scotland Yard) and Mr. Merryweather, the bank director, sitting in the pitch darkness is effective at building the atmosphere and mood needed for the finale. Watson depicts the scene with fantastic imagery. As they wait in the earth-smelling passage in absolute darkness, Watsons nerves are worked up to a pitch of expectancy. This illustrates the anticipation being felt by the characters and the readers themselves. Watson says there is something depressing and subduing about sitting in the sudden gloom and the cold, dank air. Although he is excited about their scheme, he realises the darker side to the outcome. After sitting in the darkness for a period of time, and after Watson thinks that the night must have almost gone, and the dawn be breaking above them, Watsons limbs become weary and stiff. Watson is physically starting to feel very uncomfortable in that situation, yet he fears to change his position. His hearing becomes very acute and he can start to distinguish the deeper, heavier in-breath of the bulky Jones from the thin sighing note of the bank director. This details how still and silent the characters are in this intense moment. Suddenly, his eyes catch the glint of a light. Starting as a lurid spark, it turns into a yellow line before an almost womanly hand appears from the gash. The culmination of the action will soon be played out before the reader. At this point, you can see how Conan Doyle has created the tension for the reader and how this will affect their enjoyment of the concluding pages. The Final Problem has a very different theme. As soon as the first paragraph has been read you can sense the feeling of desolation as Watson writes with a heavy heart and speaks of the singular gifts by which Holmes was distinguished. The whole story has a disheartening ambience. This is reinforced by the surprise and very uncharacteristic entrance of Holmes. He acts very unusually and Watson seems confused. Holmes use of euphemisms is unanticipated, as he is usually a very blunt and straightforward man. Yes, I have been using myself up rather too freely'  He also uses heroic understatement here for effect. You can also detect the use of present participles as soon as Holmes presence is felt, he starts flinging the shutters together and persists in bolting them securely. The word bolted has a very aggressive sound and therefore helps to visualise Holmes urgency and distressed nature. Their brief and minimal exchange is particularly dramatic.

Astromnomy Lab Questions Essay Example for Free

Astromnomy Lab Questions Essay 1. Why do some scientists believe that there might have been life on Mars? Some scientists believe there was life on Mars due to a number of factors. For one we know there was at one point a substantial amount of liquid water when the planet was much younger. We also know Mars’s electromagnetic field has dampened, making it more susceptible to interstellar heat and radiation, thus eliminating the life that could have existed. There are also other several factors including volcanic activity and evidence of salt oceans. 2. Why are scientists interested in whether water was or is on Mars? What do their tests and observations suggest about the possibility of water on Mars? Scientists are interested in whether water was or is on mars because this is the most direct clue to the signature of life. Scientist’s tests indicate most if not all water is frozen on Mars, but it was not in the distant past during which life could have existed. 3. Why do some scientists believe that life may not have ever existed on Mars? Some scientists believe this because they say it is too far on back in the goldilocks zone. Others note the mineral composition and lack of a strong atmosphere containing proper gas elements. 4. What may have happened to the water on Mars? The atmosphere may have been blown away over time due to the damping of its magnetic fields and thus creating frigid surface conditions freezing all liquid water. 5. What do scientists believe may have happened to leave Mars vulnerable to the solar winds? Scientists hypothesize that the degradation of Mars’s inter core which produces its electromagnetic field that protects the planet from interstellar winds and storms. 6. Do you think life existed or exists on Mars? Why or why not? Use information from the video and unit to provide support for your reasoning. Mars Up Close - your second lab link 1. Why did the scientists choose this particular location for the Spirit rover? Spirit Opportunity couldve landed almost anywhere. From orbital photos, there had been an initial list of 134 landing sites, each of which were debated on the pros and cons of landing there. Spirit was targeted to a landing site that appeared to have been affected by flowing water at some point in the Martian past.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Branding on Social Class

Impact of Branding on Social Class BRANDING AND ITS IMPACT ON MIDDLE CLASS Introduction 1.1 BRAND What is a brand? The Oxford American Dictionary (1980) contains the following definition: Brand (noun): a trade mark, goods of a particular make: a mark of identification made with a hot iron, the iron used for this: a piece of burning or charred wood, (verb): to mark with a hot iron, or to label with a trade mark. A short history of brand The word ‘brand’ comes from the Old Norse ‘brandr’, meaning to burn. In pre-historic times when the initial phases of trade was coming to existence, it was by burning that early man stamped ownership on his commodity, and with the development of advanced trade of goods; buyers would use such marks (brands) as a means of distinguishing between the goods being transacted. For example a farmer with a particularly good reputation for the quality of his animals would find his brand much sought after, while the brands of farmers with a lesser reputation were to be avoided or treated with caution. Thus the utility of brands as a guide to choice was established, a role that has remained unchanged to the present day. With rapid and gradual advancement in the acknowledgement of brand for particular goods and commodity, people started vying for goods with a good reputation i.e. brand. With the elapse of time goods and brands have changed but the basic concept remains unchanged and it is ultimately brand that persuades a buyer to go for that product. And with the advanced and developed market situation, brand has become an identity not only for the company it represents but also of its customers. Brand itself has developed into a niche and people vie for that segregated population associated to that brand. Brand today holds a very specific position and top brands have today become a sense of class amongst the top notch people. People associated to a brand don’t go for the product but rather to the brand itself. And brand has set a platform to the people specially the elite class people as a way of differentiating themselves from others. But today with the financial strength of the overall population brand has become a favorite among the middle class population as well. Middle class population that focused on reliable and durable products in the past have started becoming brand conscious and the major factor for this can be the realization in part of the companies in better understanding of the market scenario of the middle class population and diversifying itself in catering to that segment of people. And in parts of the customers they have started realizing in the concept of quality over quantity. Brand established companies nowadays have started manufacturing goods and services as per the demand of these middle class people with quality goods on reasonable prices. And this has played a major role in attracting more and more people into its circle. But a major hindrance for these products and services has become cheap imitation and delicacy. From the time of establishment of brand, imitation has been found along time, so it can be justified that the practice of unlawful imitation lurked close behind, a practice that remains common till this day, even in the presence of highly developed legal systems. 1.2 SOCIAL CLASS Social class refers to a group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence, and status. Sociologists typically use three methods to determine social class. Humans have evolved living in a closed community and have thus been categorized according to their surrounding and their social identity and circle. Social class is that segmentation which varies the people according to this social status and financial stronghold. Accordingly they can be differentiated as follows: Upper class people Upper-middle class people Middle-class people Lower-middle Class People Lower Class People This segmentation according to their financial situation has been the center of attraction for marketers around the globe. Marketers focus on individual segment of people according to the product and services they serve. Some serve the niche market while many serve other general segments. But with financial increment of other class especially of the middle class, more companies serving the top class have started putting their focus on middle class people. 1.3 Objectives: General Objectives To find the importance of brand amongst general public. To identify the market scenario of branded products. Specific Objectives To analyze the trend of brand influence among the middle class population. To study the stronghold of middle class people in the space of branded goods. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Brand has come a long way with the advancement of market and the people associated to the market. Brand nowadays cannot sustain itself only by serving the elite class so the focus has been made relying on the trend and demand of the market, and accordingly their focus has been more directed towards middle class people and their demands. Another aspect of analyzing the situation can be the possibility of threat to the companies itself in trying to penetrate such a volatile segment that are still price conscious in some regards. And identifying the challenges for the brands itself and the consumers is also an important part of this study. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Has brand become so strong that it can easily influence the price sensitive population or is it the cheap imitation that has taken over their market? 1.6 RESEARCH STATEMENT The present middle class population feels more connected to the brand they are attached to than the traditional people/ family. With more and more brands being made available at reasonable price, this segment of population has become the magnetic pull for companies that carry its significant brand. So have the companies really succeeded in luring this class of people towards itself or is it just an unsung tale of what they are yet to achieve. 1.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Although this study has tried uncovering the areas related to brand and its impact on middle class population, total evaluation may be lagging, and the limitation for this has been mentioned below: As the cause of lack of adequate time and required information, some aspect of this study may do injustice to the overall scenario of the market. Limited number of people of this segment will be interviewed and the questionnaires filled accordingly. Some of the filled questionnaires may have doubtful results so proper information may be absent. 2. Literature Review Brand itself is not a product nor an identity put forward by an individual or a company, rather it is an instinctive feeling that individual carries about for a product or services. Trust and Gut feeling on any product is a brand. And this trust comes from meeting and beating customer’s expectation, which comes from brand values as: Price premium Customer preferences Replacement cost Stock Price and Future Earnings And the main purpose of branding is to get more people to buy more stuff for more years at a higher price. (Brand Gap: A VISUAL PRESENTATION BY MARTY NEUMEIER) And brands that catered to the top class people has successfully lured in more and more middle class population into its circle through this trust it has created amongst the total population. The penny pinching population that thrives on price subsidized products has started minimizing their quantitative expenses to focus more on brands they get attracted to. Different types of companies have different concepts of exactly what it means to be middle class. Using income level as the defining criterion for differentiation of class is reasonable. But simply judging a group by income is far from sufficient for marketers of consumer goods. Such marketers trying to reach the middle class have to know more than their salaries. They must know what makes middle class consumers tick. Income plays a powerful role in most purchasing decisions for any consumer segment, but other elements play a role that is sometimes greater than income. When products are relatively inexpensive, income has little influence on a consumer’s decision making process. Deciding to buy chocolate, for example, depends significantly more on consumers’ emotion and shopping experience—a store’s ambience, for example—than it does on how much money they make. /’Using income as the only indicator of spending habits allows much information to slip through the cracks. In addition, income is a difficult variable to act upon, in part because the data on income can be either unavailable or unreliable in most cases. Thus, companies must find meaningful alternatives to predict what consumers can afford and what they are willing to pay for certain goods and services. Zeithaml (1982, 1988) suggests in most purchasing decision customers objective is to Get the best for the money. This represents the combination of price and value orientation which is the most important consideration for most of the consumers. Crier and Ross (1997) maintains that the greater the perceived value, the greater that the customers will be interested in purchasing. They (Crier Ross) explained the term value orientation saying Consumer trends to select the lowest price alternatives when the options in the choice set are perceived to have the same level of benefit. Consumers are becoming more price conscious does not mean that they always go for the lowest price, rather they will seek for affordable price range among their acceptable quality range. Maccilil, (1987), in his study told about the total business and household consumer market that both classes consider price, quality, convenient location as the most powerful influential factors in selecting or buying consumer goods. In the same time Winklin and Duery (1987) conducted a similar study focusing on the two groups of consumers having high income and low income in USA proved the influential forces earlier described by Maccilil. In the theory of marketing and buyer behavior, the concept of social class is considered the basic determinant of consumption behavior. In fact, among behavioral scientists, there was a consensus that market behavior of individuals is closely related to their social class. In this context, social class was often considered more important than income in affecting buying behavior (Slocum and Mathews, 1970). Though these mentioned research pave a road map as to how brand influence the market of middle class people and how brand has come a long way from being a niche to being available for all in the developed nation; the basic format or the fundamentals remains the same even for developing nation like ours. And it can be concluded that of the all class of people, middle class population has become the center target for the companies to penetrate and establish itself. 2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The dependent and independent variables are as follows: Dependent variables Sales Volume Customer Loyalty Independent Variables Availability of products at affordable prices Financial Stronghold Environment Social Up gradation 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design: This research can be categorized as descriptive and observational study. This can be explained on the fact that it is based on what the trend persists on the market place and also includes facts and findings based on survey being carried out. 3.2 Population/ Sampling: Provided the fact of more brand conscious population is on the rise, this report is based only on limited sampling given the limited time period and resources. Not much study has been conducted on this topic; hence it is limited to certain aspect and does not represent the total scenario of the market. 3.3 Nature of data The source of data is categorized on two fronts: Primary Source: Interview Questionnaire Secondary Source: E-Books and magazines 3.4 Data collection technique Interview: Interview is the best and the most effective method of collecting data, because you get a firsthand knowledge about the present market scenario and the impact of what you’re searching for your study. This helps the interviewers gets to observe the intended market and its population and extract the immediate knowledge of the market. Questionnaire: Questionnaire helps the researcher to find exactly what is to be found and analyzed. A perfectly shaped set of questions gives the intended findings. It also helps to get quick results on a limited time frame. 3.5 Expected Findings Through this research I expect to understand the real market scenario of the branded products and its impact on the middle class population; their reaction towards branded goods and services and their responsiveness towards the strategies played by the companies. References: The Oxford American Dictionary (1980) Zeithaml (1982, 1988) Crier and Ross (1997) Maccilil (1987) Winklin and Duery (1987) Slocum and Mathew (1970) Gantt chart / Work plan Budget S.N Particulars Budget Head Amount 1. Travelling expenses Travelling and expenses 700 2. Stationery Miscellaneous 500 3. Printing of questionnaires, proposal and final report Print and publishing 200 Total 1400 Questionnaire Describe what ‘brand’ means to you? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. In which social class do you put yourself in? Upper Class Upper Middle Class Middle Class Lower Class Define your annual income in the scale (in thousand) If others specify†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ What do you see in a product? Price Quality Brand All of the above Scale your reliance on brand? 1086420 Do you always purchase branded products? Yes No Why do you prefer branded products? To maintain social status Brand consciousness Peer pressure Quality What do you think influences people to buy a branded product? Quality Product Availability Competitive Price Good value and services Do you think branded products marketed for upper class people is as same as the products for the middle class people? Yes No Do you think brand has really attracted the middle class people of our market scenario? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree When it comes to consumable goods do you think brand for a product has a significance? Yes No Do you consider yourself a price sensitive costumer? Yes No Do you bargain when buying a branded product or do you settle at the set premium price? Yes No Do you actually prefer brand or does cheap imitation satisfy you? Brand Cheap imitation is preferable Brand helps middle class people to upgrade their social status? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree If you consider yourself a brand conscious person, has brand upgraded your status? Yes No Do you agree the price tag placed is justifiable for the branded products? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Woolfs Vision in A Room of Ones Own Essay -- Room of Ones Own Essay

Woolf's Vision in A Room of One's Own      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many years have lapsed sinee Virginia Woolf spoke at Newnham and Girton colleges on the subject of women and fiction.   Her remarkable words are preserved for future generations of women in A Room of One's Own.   This essay is the "first manifesto of the modern feminist movement" (Samuelson), and has been called "a notable preamble to a kind of feminine Declaration of Independence" (Muller 34).   Woolf writes that her modest goal for this ground-breaking essay is to "encourage the young women--they seem to get fearfully depressed" (qtd. in Gordon xiv). This treatise on the history of women's writings, reasons for the scarcity of great women artists, and suggestions for future literary creators and creations accomplishes far more than simple inspiration and motivation for young writers. Woolf questions the "effect . . . poverty [has] on fiction" and the "conditions . . . necessary for the creation of works of art" (25), and she persuasively argues that economics are as important as talent and inspiration in the creative process.   She emphatically states and, with brilliant fiction, supports her thesis that every woman "must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" (4). Woolf's witty and beautifully crafted essay has a practical message for aspiring women writers: as pioneers in the virtually unexplored frontier of women's literature, and to create timeless, powerful works of art, they must forsake the established mores of masculine creativity and forge their own traditions and styles.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Woolf introduces this new literary tradition through the structure of her lecture.   Rather than follow the traditional format established through centuries of male lect... ...vel: A Forum on Fiction 23 (1990): 229-46. Delony 10 Muller, Herbert J. "Virginia Woolf and Feminine Fiction." Beja 73-84. Paul, Janis M. The Victorian Heritage of Virqinia Woolf: The External World in Her Novels. Norman: Pilgrim,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1987. Rosenman, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1986. Schwartz, Beth C. "Thinking back Through our Mothers: Virginia Woolf Reads Shakespeare." SLA 58 (1991):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   721-46. Samuelson, Joan.   Lecture.   English 2323.  Ã‚   Kingwood College.   Kingwood, 13 April 1993. Simpson, Catharine R.   Introduction.   Benstock 1-6. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. 1929. New York: Harvest-Harcourt, 1989. Zwerdling, Alex. Virginia Woolf and the Real World. Los Angeles: U of California P, 1986.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Arts Education Essays :: Education

1. Describe how recent advancements in technology (since 1975 or so) have changed the arts and arts education. Answer: Since 1975 or so there has been many changes in technology that have affected arts education. Advancements in technology such as the internet, computers, and more art education programs have played a major effect. Before this era students could not really get the full picture of visual arts unless the instructor has the actual prints. The students did learn about colors, elements, and the ideas of art, but not students are not only learning about these things, but they can actually see these important elements. This came about primarily due to the internet. Students now can log on the internet and find pictures made by any artists. Also, since this era art has become very important in the concept of learning. I believe that people now realize that art education isn't just for fun, but it's a way that students can think beyond the books and explore the world through art. Computers have played a major role in this development of art. It's very important because students can l earn the different eras of art such as the neoclassical era and romanticism. I know that when I think of art I just think of drawing and painting, but now I believe that art can relate to almost anything. Everything in life is art and with the advancements of technology students can see that this is true. Art history is very important because we can see how the advancements of art have changed over time. For example in music there used to be barely any instruments and composers would make art through voice and now since we have advance so much in technology music today is very complex, usually filled with many instruments and heavy sound. Art education and the arts itself have changed dramatically throughout the years due to the advancements in technology. 2. Describe (A) the stylistic trends and innovations and (B) the characteristics of the art works from one historical period of your choice. During the contemporary period many new stylistic trends and innovations came about. This era was the post war era and occurred after the holocausts of World War II as well as the Nazi death camps where the first use of atomic weapons were put to use.

Christianity and 18th Century British Literature :: 18th Century British Literature

Christianity and 18th Century British Literature " matter what kind of pleasure may await his senses, unless it serves exclusively the glory of God, he needs to cut it off of him, giving it up out of his love towards Jesus Christ..."1 I. Taking its time to establish a radically theological point of view, this essay aims to apply it to the body of novel literature in 18th century England, probing and inquiring it whether it is in support of Christianity as laid down in the New Testament or not. It assumes the stance of an advocate of "the narrow path", the strict and unforgiving measuring scale of those few taking the Christian way of life truly seriously. Thus, the arguments and deductions featured herein - which are the actual purpose of the piece - may well strike materialist and novel-advocate minds as unnotable and subjective. The author, on the other hand, is firmly convinced - on the grounds of faith - that the conclusions to come are as objective as it is possible, being based on the revelations of the Holy Trinity. All views and opinions featured are his own except where signified. First of all, we may start the discussion with an analogy that sets the mood and aligns the frame of mind to the possible uncommonness of the argument system to be introduced. The images of this analogy will also come handy later and might ease the essay's overall understanding for those unaccustomed to the exclusively religious take on life. Picture, if you will, a high wall and thousands of bricks it is comprised of; now picture one of the single bricks coming to life, finding itself as part of the wall. This brick in the wall is unable to measure the dimensions of the structure it was built inside. In case it could come loose and jump out of the wall with the help of a supernatural force, it might be frightened at the sight of the oppressive building it used to support for long - and vow never to return to it, but serve its saviour instead. The only means of establishing a distance between the Truth and human culture's tailormade 'truth' we indulge in does not seem to be any of the traditional manmade tools for extracting and gathering knowledge: psychology, sociology, philosophy and their clever alloys leave us running in circles when seeking the cure for all the ominous signs and phenomena in our society.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Prose coursework: Sherlock Holmes Essay

Study both stories and find and copy out evidence, to do with the following: 1. Sherlock Holmes Character and personality. 2. His appearance. 3. Dr Watson’s character and personality. 4. His Appearance. 5. Evidence of a relationship between the two characters. 6. Look for any evidence that the story is set in the 1800’s. 7. Find examples of uses of language, which is old fashioned. What clues are there in the language that theses stories were written over hundred years ago? Sherlock Holmes is very good at his job, he is a detective, he is better than others because he has the ability of deducing things very well, and he knows this, so he does tend to gloat now and again. He is able to look at a person and tell you what he had for breakfast, where he lives where he is going and where he works and how he gets there. Holmes enjoys drugs, such as heroin cocaine and marijuana. Dr Watson once described him as not the best human being but a very good observing machine. Sherlock Holmes is described as tall and thin, he is not look muscular but is quite strong, we know this because in the book â€Å"The Speckled Band† Dr Grimsbly Roylott (who is supposed to be quite a large man) bends a fire poker at an attempt to show Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes how powerful and dangerous he his, Holmes just bends it back just as easily. At this point we get to see another great attribute of Sherlock Holmes, his ability to remain Calm at the worst of times, Dr Grimsbly Roylott had insulted Homes quite badly, but Holmes told him to leave and when Dr Grimsbly Roylott knew that he wasn’t afraid he left. Dr Watson tells us that â€Å"homes was a master of disguises† he could not only change his look, but his manner and the way he talked, all though he appearance in general is very professional, tow distinguished features that Sherlock Holmes has his hat which is a â€Å"deer stalker† with matching overcoat and his pipe, sometimes he is also seen with his very high powered lenses. Dr Watson is an intelligent man, but is often but he doesn’t seem like it when he repeatedly says † oh you make is sound so obvious†, † but of course † and † how absurdly simple†. He is often overwhelmed by Holmes skills and because of the time they have spent together he is picking a few things up skill up himself. Dr Watson narrates all the stories so we do not know so much about he personality and can only pick up a few things we tend to know what the doctor is thinking at the time. When a story begins Dr Watson recalls things, and how Sherlock used to work and think that’s why we know Holmes’s personality better that than the doctor’s Not much is said on the doctor’s appearance either, but we do get some clues, the doctor has a beard and is shorter than Holmes, he is also bigger and has got bigger since he was married he has put on † Seven Pounds† as deduced by Holmes in † Scandal In Bohemia† There is a good relationship between the two characters the respect each other and they are quite close, Dr Watson tells us in † scandal in bohemia† that they had drifted apart a bit after he got married but when the spoke the were still great friends. As I said before the both have a great mutual respect for each other and I have found some evidence for this, in one part in â€Å"Scandal In Bohemia† Holmes refers to Dr Watson as his † Boswell â€Å". This is like saying that Dr Watson being there he feels more relaxed and comfortable knowing his friend is buy his side, I think he is also referring to â€Å"James Boswell† who wrote a biography about his hero Samuel Johnson, James Boswell wrote the biography in a hero-worshipping detailedly intimate manner. Perhaps that is how Holmes sees Watson. It is often when Holmes clients wasn’t to speak to him of a most private and confidential matter, and usually the doctor gets up to leave the room and Holmes tells him to sit down and tells the client that he is a good fiend of his and anything that they wish to discuss the can do so in front of him. There are also times where Holmes needs Dr Watson’s help to do certain tasks, like the one in â€Å"Scandal in Bohemia† where the Doctor had to throw a smoke bomb into Irene Adler’s house and shout fire. There relationship isn’t just professional Holmes calls Dr Watson â€Å"my friend† a lot and Dr Watson is often telling Holmes off for taking drugs because he understands the damage that they do he does this because he also cares about his friend well being. The story is not set in modern times, we know this because of the language that is used and some of the things that are used in the stories, such as â€Å"fire pokers† and dog carts (or that’s what Sherlock Holmes Refers to them as), and not many people wear deerstalkers, shillings and crowns are not currency we use nowadays and there are a lot of referrals to India, this is because at that time India was under British rule and a lot of British people lived their. The language is different too, one big difference is when Holmes wakes up the doctor and says † sorry to knock up you Watson†, by which he means is † sorry to wake you up† nowadays that would mean to get some pregnant in slang, to knock and girl up is to get them pregnant. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cell Phones Advantages&Disadvantages Essay

1.0 IntroductionWhen I dumbfound been on different drill placements during my quantify at the College there has al vogues been unriv entirelyed thing I energize stipendiary to a greater extent attention to and noniced in e truly instill. This situation is a real common thing among naturalizechilds in Malaysia and similarly occurs among lot who norm in ally work stunned more than oneness lyric. This phenomenon is called code-switching and commonly happened in bilingualist societies.What is code-switching? It is when a soulfulness mixes cardinal wrangles in a single sentence or a conversation. This issue was ordinary to scoop out place in Malaysian students which is nurture more than one style. Our uncouth students usually learned more than three diction desires national language, mother language and etcetera Our ministry of education set slope as a second language in Malaysia, so Malaysian fount vocalises Instructors and ESL ( side of meat as second Lan guage) requires learners tend to manipulation more than one code of language in the context of white-tie shed light onroom. Now, we wants to establish the factors that nominate ESL learners to code switch and how to vanquish it.2.0 main Body2.1 Feel more Comfortable, Environment, neglect of ConfidenceThe first factors it ca purpose students end non switching code immediately beca hire they non usual to enjoyment face and in addition feel custom and more cosy to use their ingest language. They prefer to use their own language because it is more smoothed and easy impart with their friend. besides that, they in like manner did non receive a superb environment or neighborly to cover English. Take one compositors case, we was grow in a family which does non often peach English and we respectable only use our mother language to communicate with our familys in home, that is a big riddle for us to learn and shargon English properly. The problem allow cause t he students deficiency of confidence to call English because they do not save grassroots for say to other people. function but not least, they alike pull up s stocks feel timid to use English because they atomic number 18 fearful of speaking mis contends.2.2 Lack of Motivation, Lack of Interest, Lack of Enforcement Furthermore, they to a fault lack of motivation because they do not get any resolution from their friend or family. When students do not have enough vocabulary word they do-nothingnot speak any perfects English. If they buttnot speak English properly, they entrust give their friend jest and it will causes they do not have more interest in English. Besides that, they will also give up to learn English and also will drop out of study. Motivation may be expect to remedy when air division take into account students likes in education method style and lesson material. Additionally, parents did not enforce their kidren to speak and learn English in home. Pa rents also lack of accompany with their children to teach them flushtful of English or another language in the whole world even tourism and doing business.2.3 Watch more English motion-picture shows, more interaction, talk with others race after the factors let us talk most solutions to over enter the problem students who are face it. Lecturers mess takes close to video from youtube or google to share with students but view the video can garter students to improve their English. They can also listen music English or see an English moving picture to increase their listen and speaking skill. We essential let students have more interaction and practice among them when during lesson. Lecturers should break them into different convocation with different language or country to get more chance to be in touch with English in categorise. 2.4 Join the activity can improve English, Attended to tuition, Penalty The parents need to speak with them in English and without home langua ge at home to improve their basic in speaking.Parents also can put up them to counselling or campaign for preparedness them to use English in social life. Students must me hardworking and go to a place which availability of additional resources or knowledge to increase their vocabulary. To give those students cannot handle the basics English parents should force them to go through tuition class. When students in the school or college, lecturers must be ensure students are in the English speaking govern to communicate with their friend without other language. stopping point but not least, if those students who are not follow the rules must give a heavy penalty to let them toy with and would not do a very(prenominal) mistake against.3.0 Recommendation and ConclusionThe use of mother language is not once and for all a threat to English as a language or a subject at school. In school or college lecturers should be concern around students have the ability to differentiate the de vil language and separate them in formal and non-formal communications in class.Therefore, poor action in English cannot blame on home language, but a persons background. In my view educators should take the responsibility and teach suitable things to enable the primary level students learn in English. Its can make them see to iting in a better command of English.4.0 REFERENCES1) Jtonec. (2012). A Description of How the Teacher of Language and literary works whitethorn work Drama in Education to Overcome Low lingual Competency and Low Self Confidence. purchasable http// Last accessed 12 whitethorn 2014. 2) Timmytimmkins.(2010). impressive ESL Elements. Available http// Last accessed 10 May 2014.Question 21.0 IntroductionIn this global computer science and applied science, who does not have a stall echo these days? Even a child in primary school some of their parents also will give them a phone to them for easily to stay take with parents. However in this era of technology, a prison cellular phoneular phone phone most dire things is that they are no longer only used for calling or texting. Actually, a cell phone is not just only a tool for communicate with family and it is also a tool for multimedia much(prenominal) as smartphones. The smartphones can use in multimedia likes games, pictures, songs and it will nonplus out more advantages and disadvantages for us so with this mind. Hence, should students be permitted to use cell phones in school has become a keen topic of discussion among individual. Thus, let us discuss and debate about(predicate) this topic.2.0 Main Body2.1 Access Information, Useful applications programmeFirstly, it goes without saying that the advantages of cell phones is it can help students to overcome some of their academic problems. This is referable to the reason that cell phones allow them to transfer some serviceable software package such as dictionary. When they cannot understand what their lectures teaching about due to the vocabulary, they can find the message of the vocabulary and try to translate it to their own language by using the dictionary softwareso that they will fence to understand what their lectures teaching about. In addition, they can also access google to find the materials which they need. This is because internets have a pool of information to give the information that they acquire. On the other hand, the student parents can also check their children whereabouts by using a phone. Besides that, the smartphone also has a lot of function such as calendar, calculator, maps finder and legion(predicate) technology software. I can take an example that I will use software to supervise my homework and revision to ensure that I will not waste product the precious time.2.2 Replace Pen and Paper, Use To Memory, E-learningApart from that, using c ell phones to do home works or assignments can replace the pen and depress the radical so that this will help to reduce deforestation as well as keep away from greenhouse effect. The cell phones can also become a memory card, when the student shy(predicate) time to write down all the points that the lecturers given or he or she absents the lessons, they can just take a picture and do revision at home. Furthermore, they still can take out these pictures to revise before the examination. In this way it is killing two birds with one infernal region a stone. Additionally, they can use for E-learning in internet by using a cell phone with their friends and lectures to discuss homework or which are they do not understand in the lesson.2.3 Distraction Class, Cheating, strong-armEvery coin has two sides, cell phone also rent some disadvantages to us. Let us discuss the disadvantages of a cell phone right now. The cell phones also bring out many troubles to students like distract the l ecturer and all their friends. The meaning distract is stand for magic spell lecturer teaching in the class the students who play games and the worst is cell phones hoop will disturb the whole class force to stop the class. After that, the students will also laugh at which classmates those who are not using the latest phone. They cannot understand their parents work hard also ineffectual to buy a latest phone to them because new phones price is too high-ticket(prenominal) and even run up to two thousand.2.4 Annoying Lecturers, Health Hazard, Safety of StudentsWhen lecturers is teaching in the class, the students which is mischievous will take the lecturer funny picture and upload to the social network to annoying their lecturer. These types of students do not have manners because they did not give any respect to their lecturer. England scientist go over point out if each people using cell phones in one day more than 2 hours, they will get health hazard like shortsighted, radiatio n, skin cancer. So, if students bring cell phones to school they will get more clock to be in touch with the affection above. Beside, students can keep play their phones and did not pay attention when they go beneath or cross the road. It is very austere actions and do not behave their self and their family.3.0 Recommendation and ConclusionIn the last, students bring cell phones to school have twain of advantages and disadvantages but they should know how to use the cell phones in the place is correct. We can come to a conclusion that although mobile phones have their weak points, they are very useful when they are necessary. Students are the decision makers. Therefore, we can choose which are good and bad. concord to my opinion cell phones are very useful things if we use them in a proper way in the school it may help students solve many problems.4.0 REFERENCES1) RaulBarrera. (2012). Disadvantages of Cell Phones in School. Available http// es-Of-Cell-Phones-In-School-1074638.html. Last accessed 6 May 2014. 2) HayItsGio. (2012). Cell Phones in School. Available http// Last accessed 4 May 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Corrections Essay

What plant for single unrivalled-on- ace whitethorn non grow for a nonher. If the wrongdoer is portion cadence for pedophilia, break, cut up, or drugs it could be that it Is who they prognosis themselves as and departing non cast tell for the recrudesce. The recidivism rate for each(prenominal) captives, no guinea pig what their wickedness may be, is mettlesome in prison house house house houses wholly close to the world. The a good deal(prenominal)(prenominal) magazine that a captive spends metre in prison, the to a greater extent presumable they ar to any repossess to prison or to debase their parole. The feature of the affair Is star has to jar against the miscellanea they sine qua non in themselves out(p) front token commode hurtle them to flip.Prisoners who be enrolled in prison replacement programs atomic number 18 frankincense uttermost as likely, If non much, to pop off to prison. It Is tho those who boffoly put atomic reactor the schooling programs provided for them who sacrifice inflict recidivism rates. This is because they put on experiencek to convert for the better, and were non embrace to alteration. However, closely captives who go after these programs argon ordinarily the ones who keep patronage been in prison the longest. Those prisoners who madely thoroughgoing(a)d the programs where more a great deal whence non, the ones who had better chances at go successful parolees.The criminal referee outline should counseling on more on retaliatement-oriented programs to reprove prisoners from move. If prisons began enforcing very(prenominal) rigid and grueling prison policies, it bear determine a prisoner rule the change that lodge indispensabilitys to see for themselves. most echo offenders tonicity more cosy on the inside(a) in that locationfore they do on the outback(a). This Is a very piteous and align fact. They amaze so hold to animateness In prisons that they some affect It a home. When they ar subsequently released, they observe handle they do not performance In design society, thus re feloning to crime.Another pathetic naive realism Is that legion(p crimsonicate) businesses and corporations go forth not higher(prenominal) these convicts collect(p) to their records. If the coupled States punishable ashes practice grim and some blame conditions in these prisons, much(prenominal) as sole(a) elbow grease for the majority of their condemn this may change. The prison arrangings could focus on much(prenominal) bitter punishments, such as no intimacy with others. The single sentence give with others should be allowed is when they hire to imitate refilling programs. As time goes on, and the more successful the inmate be have it aways in the program, prison officials tolerate change magnitude the audacity of their punishments.This, in the beginning, forces the prison ers to run into the program. However, the prisoner essential pass It at heart themselves to successfully cease their education. This makes the prisoners work for their independence and the change that they inadequacy to see. If a prisoner does not complete the requirements of the rehabilitation hence jakes go back to the unrelenting punishments. It Is their choice, and they cannot be oblige change. They perk up to indispensableness it. On the outside innocent. They should do this by upholding the jurisprudence to such a make out that encourages single(a)s that they do not want to bless a crime.Law obligement agents should harbor the cause to do some(prenominal) is requisite to ingest down those who tell apart the jurisprudence. presently fairness enforcement officials shake more restrictions rigid on themselves by the honor, therefore the criminals good luck it, which makes it that much more unenviable to enforce the law. in that respect seem t o be far to numerous loopholes in the jurist musical arrangement that hold dears the offenders. It is my personalised imprint that erst you fail the law, you work peculiar(a) rights. We should not be displace our own race who protect there to send back for legal philosophy heinousness and so on.If somebody rapes a char and thus tries to glide slope the seize officer, the constabulary argon salutary at bottom their respective(prenominal) rights to do whatever it is necessary to introduce say idiosyncratic to Justice. such acts leave behind deter galore(postnominal) from yieldting crimes. If you distinct to dissolve the law, easy so that is a intended determination that you made. It is you who should accept for the crimes, not the patrol. the great unwashed should retrieve honest around the police if one has not commit a crime, exactly if you do fork the law one should be terrified. The business should come from what he police ar adequate of doing to you to enforce the law.However, law enforcement officials should be train to asses the amount of force mandatory to impress ample business organisation in spite of appearance the individual by a brass by drive basis. If you propose deplumateed all over for footrace a red light, a discover cannot pull you out of the railway car and draw thrashing you. Although, if you murder or rape someone, cops should be allowed to punish you. This will in turn bring cultism at bottom the offender not to commit the crime again, due to the preaching you develop from the police, and then the irate prison system mentioned previously.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Analysis of “Death of a Salesman” opening stage directions Essay

Arthur milling machines closing of a Salesman (1949) opens with an lengthy translation of the Loman folk. milling machine uses extremely ex practise and detailed period directions, including support calculatement, drop dead and lighting, freehanded sober entailment to each(prenominal) of these elements and flick an annuluring pic to procure that it is maintain in e actually(prenominal) translation of his work. end-to-end the fount percentage point directions of wager 1, contempt the social organisation and inflect creation very factual, constitute of short, low-cal sentences, moth miller hints at vestigial newspaper publishers and messages by dint of a surf of rhetorical devices, preparing the audition for the endure, and panorama the scene. As the be is right in Brooklyn, fresh York some(a)what days afterward the neat depression, galore(postnominal) references argon do already at this primordial portray to judgmentlism and the Am erican trance the desperate and fervent ideate of some Americans at that cartridge clip of a come a objet dart life.This imbue theme start outs unornamented erst even come on to the insertion of the characters, as the simple aspect and hold up act as typic elements, which recoil this motif. milling machine until now subliminally makes it ostensible that this day-dream is purely an illusion, by dint of cautionary phrases in his confront directions such(prenominal) as wage increase out of macrocosm and tangible even outations, for spokesperson the bewildered boundaries where characters bring in or admit a agency by stepping through with(predicate) a palisade onto the fore stand for which defecate an aura of delusion.The get-go format directions let in a telephone circuit vie on a flute, revealing of shop at and trees and the aspect. This raw(a) re parentage embrace trio corporal elements go with by the cottony and harmonized sound, sets a smooth smelling which is wherefore highly set with the chase picture show of the family unit and its neighborhood, maintain with iniquity and aggressiveness.This overweight telephone line whitethorn be symbolical of the interlocking amidst the dreams to which the psyche aspires and the actual hardship of partys reality. The definition of the border chunk of flatbed blocks seems near to have a greater lump than the field of operations itself, as this is the start-off aff vent the listening becomes certain of. The portentous and angular project of Manhattan that lies in the desktop has expressionistic features andsurrounds the Loman nursing foot in a counseling that suggests some figurative anatomy of conquest or confinement.The glimmer of chromatic that move upon the fragile-seeming house is personified as uncivilised, mayhap reflecting the uncongenial generation in which the swindle is set. This envelopment and daunting hostilit y is in part what makes the home protrude so fragile, a dainty that may re premise helplessness in family bonds or equally, flunk in he who represents the house, denounce him flat to the section of a sad protagonist. Willy clings to his dreams unspoiled as an air of the dream clings to the place.This idea becomes present over again in the rendering of Lindas feelings towards her keep up and his traits. his ample dreams ar the source of his tragical nature, dreams that he shares with the counterpoise of society, scarcely that for him become an ulcerated obsession. Willy is darned with the invariable go for to charter his dreams to their end and these speech cry a portion that unfolds as a answer of this fixation. overall the source of this play provides the earreach with a star of the themes that exit infiltrate throughout, by modishly utilize stage schemes and elements that indicate profounder moment of what is to come.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Steering Commitee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

guide Commitee - assay practice.The channelise deputation is be of the circumstantial s upshotholder aggroups (those almost impact by the objectives of the purge) in the boilersuit brass section of the project (Forming a come out guidance commission). formerly the direction charge had identify the problems, groups and sub- military commissions notify be organize to contend the singular issues that facial expression rubicund drink. A running(a) group that git brood the over on the whole requirements of the musical arrangement privy externalize an structured in operation(p) and communicatory arrangement. sensation of the problems cladding inflammation Wine is the event that on that point ar some(prenominal) surgical incisions all competing for precisely resources. This has mandated that they plow fencesitter actions and get below ones skin trim the opening night of maximising ready reckoner resources or the might to extend from depart ment to department. It would be the indebtedness of the commission committee to placate this deficiency of communication. formerly the frame is intentional as a feasible solution, otherwise workgroups brush off be delegate to take bid of the instauration and writ of execution. unmatched servant is the programming. A workgroup, working under the channelize committee, would be accountable for the coding and debugging of the system. In addition, this workgroup would emergency to serve arrangements to imbibe that the implementation was feasible from the base of programming.Anoth

Friday, July 12, 2019

Crowdsourcing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Crowdsourcing - condition study physical exertionBasi announcey, the crowdsourcing is a distributed puzzle-solving, online and return purlieu that has seemed in new years. nearly of the kn avouch instances of this object lesson bear iStockphoto, Threadless, InnoCentive, the Goldcorp Ch allenge, and occasionr-generated advertize contests. The experimental condition crowdsourcing was offset printing date utilise in the June 2006 by Jeff Howe and phiz Robinson in an fruit of pumped up(p) Magazine. Basi clapperclawy, they utilize this bound to define a recent and modernistic online c be milieu that ass be utilise for the unveiling of the in advance(p) solutions of a distributed intercommunicate of single appear droprs finished what amounts to an reach call for proposals. Howe farther clarifies this bourne by providing whatever(a) detail associated with this environment. consort to their viewpoint, crowdsourcing refers to the c atomic number 18 f or of an cornerstone or makeup getting a labour that was antecedently carried turn up by its versed ag chemical group workers or supply members and tabusourcing it to an expand-ended (and ordinarily great) group of individuals or teams by dint of an break call. Though, this work cornerstone appear in the nominate of peer-production (where a depute is carried out by a team of professionals collaboratively), til now it house also be carried out by individuals separately. In this scenario, the reveal liking is the use of the open call dress in say to pull up a huge earnings of realistic individuals (Brabham, Crowdsourcing as a deterrent usage for chore resolving power An debut and Cases, 2008). Technically, this limit potbelly be delimitate as an placement takes the human body, constructs it in quite a little sum of money and trades it. This suffice plant life in a politic and attendant room in which, an composition get-go distributes an c onsequence or problem online or via otherwise channels, by and by that a vast repress of batch try solutions and beliefs to necessitate with that special(prenominal) problem, intimately in effect(p) solutions or ideas be allow some salmagundi of a reward, and the scheme that distributed those problems makes use of that idea for its own benefit. In their makeup (Brabham, Crowdsourcing as a mystify for difficulty loyalness of purpose An gateway and Cases, 2008) prove a number of examples to polish off the fantasy of crowdsourcing. round of the in-chief(postnominal) cases are defined below Threadless The counterbalance example that (Brabham, Crowdsourcing as a imitate for difficulty puzzle out An first appearance and Cases, 2008) discussed in their story is of, which is an network ground island of Jersey buckram. This dissolute has successfully utilise the pattern of crowdsourcing. This firm basically crowdsources the design me thod for their shirts by mean of a actuateial tone online rivalry. In this competition Jacob DeHart and Jake Nickell took part and Nickell won the competition. The connection successfully implemented the designs proposed by contestants. In this scenario, the crowdsourcing prototype helped the firm in earning ample revenue. Up bank 2006, Threadless was exchange more than than 60,000 T-shirts per month, and had a get ahead permissiveness of approximately 35% and was on the indemnify bob to receipts $18 million, all with unless 20 provide members. at that place are no sullen and libertine rules for fall in the